Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Living and working abroad

Article from Jobsinsupplychain's International Partner - People in Procurement

Advice for procurement, purchasing, supply chain and logistics professionals considering living and working in another country from our international partners People in Procurement.
To check on requirements in order to live and work in The UK, please click here for an online guide. 

If you want to check your eligibility to live and work in The European Union, please check here:
If you want to check your eligibility for Switzerland, please check here:

If you are considering applying for Procurement, Purchasing or Supply Chain roles in The USA and are not a citizen of The United States of America, there is useful advice on this site:

If you are a citizen of The United States of America and are considering working abroad, here's a link to The U.S Department of State website:

Advice for foreign nationals considering moving to Canada to live and work:

Considering living and working in Singapore? Click here for official guidance on how to do it: 

Official Chinese Government advice on living and working in The People's Republic of China.

Please remember that although highly skilled Procurement, Purchasing and Supply Chain professionals are in high-demand globally you cannot assume that you can work in a foreign country without first checking your eligibility. There is no substitute for expert advice and these links are provided for guidance only. If in doubt seek the advice of a local employment or migration expert or speak to the embassy representing your target country.

For Australian Supply Chain recruitment advice, e-mail jhilton@jobsinsupplychain.com.au

Monday, 15 April 2013

Finding a job in Supply Chain

Supply Chain Job Seeking 

This article was published on JobsinSupplyChain and covers off all the key tips you need to be aware of for finding Supply Chain jobs and securing your next career move.

Visit the article for tips on how to develop your career in supply chain

Writing an outstanding procurement resume

Procurement resume writing tips

I wrote this article specifically for Procurement practitioners to help them define the layout and content and develop a really outstanding procurement resume.

On JobsinProcurement you can find the latest Procurement jobs from Australia's leading employers and recruiters in addition to Procurement career news and resources.